Aaron Bieber

In my daytime life, I am a software engineering manager. I have worked in a variety of industries and at a variety of companies, notably Wayfair and HubSpot. My specialty is building strategy and creating stability within teams, which is most useful when teams are going through times of rapid growth or other kinds of change.

I coach engineering leaders (particularly new managers) in how to cope with the growing burden of responsibility that leadership entails. For more information about my coaching practice, please visit my website .

The Wayfund

I am a foundational member of The Wayfund, a Boston-area tech talent syndicate working to amplify the opportunities for entrepreneurs connected to the Wayfair engineering team’s broad network.



I have had the opportunity to invest in and provide technical guidance to startups and scale-up organizations in Boston. If you are in need of a “fractional CTO” or just want to tap into my experience building software and teams, maintaining and scaling systems, and innovating through rapid iteration, please email me.

Work History

Rather than maintain a bespoke resume, I keep my LinkedIn profile updated.